Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW)

July 15th, 2024: Submission deadline
August 5th, 2024: Notification of acceptance
August 26th, 2024: Camera-ready

Call for the Workshop of Undergraduate Works

The Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW) aims to inspire undergraduate students engaged in research endeavors to participate in the SIBGRAPI conference, allowing them to discuss their research with experts in Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Computer Vision. The WUW offers undergraduate students their inaugural academic exposure, including presenting their work to a scientific audience. Submissions are open to all students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or those who have graduated within the past 12 months. Each manuscript must feature at least two authors: the undergraduate student and their advisor, who is the leading professor guiding the research. Furthermore, additional coauthors, encompassing students at any academic level, are also permissible. Accepted papers are expected to be showcased at the event by the guidelines outlined below.

Selection Criteria

The WUW Program Committee will assess the submitted papers based on the following criteria: originality, technical quality, research contribution, and presentation. Submissions must describe a complete work, encompassing methodology and results. While the scientific contribution may not be as extensive as that required for the SIBGRAPI Main Track, submissions lacking at least preliminary results will not be considered. Certificates will be awarded to recognize the best papers presented at the WUW. Please note that only works presented by a student author will be eligible for an award.

Submissions Instructions

Submissions may be written in either English or Portuguese, following the SIBGRAPI 2024 formatting guidelines for the Main Track, but with some specific adjustments. The WUW does not employ a double-blind review process, meaning that papers should not be anonymized. Therefore, the names of the authors should not be omitted as typically observed in the Main Track. Plus, it is required that the student is listed as the primary author, followed by the advisor as the last author, with any co-advisors or collaborators positioned between them. Additionally, submissions in Portuguese should include an English abstract immediately following the Portuguese abstract. Papers are limited to 4 double column pages, submitted through the CMT system in the WUW track, through

Double-Submissions Policy

Simultaneous submissions to the SIBGRAPI Main Track and the WUW are not allowed and will lead to rejection without review.


All accepted papers will be assigned a DOI and will be available at the SBC Open Lib (Sol), which is the Digital Library from Brazilian Computer Society.

No-Show and No-Registration Policy

Please see our “No-Show and No-Registration Policy” at our registration page.


Bruno Motta (UFRN)
Dennis Balreira (UFRGS)

Sibgrapi 2024 WUW Chairs

Bruno Motta de Carvalho

Dennis Giovani Balreira

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