main track

  • June 16th, 2024: First submission deadline
  • June 30th, 2024: Extended submission deadline (Hard Deadline)
  • August 7th, 2024: Reviews sent to authors (Acceptance/Rejection/Conditional Acceptance)
  • August 18th, 2024: Revision submission deadline
  • August 25th, 2024: Final acceptance notification
  • September 1st, 2024: Camera-ready due 
  • September 5th, 2024: Camera-ready due 

Call for Technical Paper Contributions

We invite the submission of original, unpublished papers. All manuscripts submitted to SIBGRAPI 2024 Technical Paper Track (Main Track) must be in English, with a maximum of six (6) pages, and prepared for blind review following the IEEE format available below. Please observe the 6-page limit for paper length.

All full papers will be double-blindly reviewed by at least three experts on the topic of the work. The final program will only include papers with at least one author registered with a full registration rate in the conference. Each paper must be associated with a different publication fee.

The Main Track proceedings of the conference will be available online at IEEE Xplore and at the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive maintained by Instituto National de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, Brazil). The proceedings will also be indexed at the SBC Open Lib (Sol), the Digital Library of the Brazilian Computer Society.

Submission Instructions

The Latex template is available here.

Please follow the included instructions and the formatting guidelines, avoiding any change to the format (in particular, avoiding \vspace command or creating subsections or paragraph titles with any command different from \subsection or \paragraph). The references should be formatted accordingly. Please do not change the font size, even if it helps to comply with the page limit. The illustrations of the paper should be generated either truly vectorial or rasterized with at least 300 dpi.

Paper submission will be handled via the CMT system through this link.

Anonymity Requirements

The review process of all submissions will be double-blind. The author’s identities will be tracked only by the submission system and visible only by the track chairs. The program committee members and reviewers will not know the identity of the authors of the papers they review. 

To ensure anonymity of authorship during the review process, authors must prepare their manuscript as follows:

  • Authors’ names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper. Instead, please include the number assigned to the paper by the online paper registration system under the title, for instance, by including the command \finalfalse in your LaTeX source file.
  • Research group members, colleagues, or collaborators must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper.
  • Funding sources must not be acknowledged anywhere in the submitted paper.
  • It is strongly suggested that the submitted file be named with the assigned submission number. For example, if your assigned paper number is 39352, name your submitted file 39352.pdf.
  • Source file naming must also be done with care. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and you submit a PDF file generated from a .dvi file called Jane-Smith.dvi, one can infer your authorship by looking into the PDF file.
  • You must also use care when referring to related past work, particularly your own. For example, avoid mentions of your previous work as “In our previous work [1,2]…” and prefer third person referencing as “In previous work [1,2]…”. Despite the anonymity requirements, you should still include all your relevant work in the references, using the above style (omitting them could potentially reveal your identity by negation).

It is the responsibility of authors to do their best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines posted here or potentially reveal the identity of the authors are subject to immediate rejection. Having papers on arXiv is allowed per the dual submission policy outlined below.

Dual submissions

The goals of SIBGRAPI are to publish unpublished work and to avoid duplicating the efforts of reviewers. By registering or submitting a manuscript to SIBGRAPI, the authors acknowledge that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in a substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue, including a journal, conference,  workshop, or archival forum. Furthermore, no publication substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to another conference, workshop, or journal during the review period. Violating any of these conditions will lead to rejection and be reported to the other venue to which the submission was sent.

A publication, for the purposes of this policy, is defined as written work longer than four pages (excluding references) that was submitted for peer review for either acceptance or rejection and, after review, was accepted. In particular, this definition of publication does not depend upon whether such an accepted written work appears in formal proceedings or whether the organizers declare that such work “counts as a publication”. Under the above definition, arXiv preprints and university technical reports are not considered publications. However, peer-reviewed workshop papers are considered publications if their length is more than four pages (excluding references), even if they do not appear in proceedings.

Reviewing process

All papers submitted to the Main Track will be double-blindly reviewed by at least three experts on the topic of the work and could be accepted without revision, rejected, or subjected to a second short reviewing cycle. Papers that receive a “Conditional Acceptance” result from the first reviewing cycle will have to comply with the list of changes asked by the reviewers to be accepted for publication and presentation. 

Paper Presentation

The acceptance of a work implies that at least one of its authors will register with the full registration rate at the conference and pay the publication fee for that article. If more than one author registers for the conference, the choice of who will present is up to the paper’s authors. Such information will be asked later by the program chairs.

All papers in the main track should be orally presented in a time slot of 10 to 15 minutes. Slides and presentations must be in English. Videos or remote cast are not allowed.

The program schedule will be available as soon as possible after the papers’ final acceptance decision.

No-show Policy

A paper submitted by authors who subsequently did not present it in person at the technical meeting despite having registered at the conference will be considered a no-show paper and removed from the conference proceedings.

Important dates

June 16th, 2024: First submission deadline
June 30th, 2024: Extended submission deadline (Hard Deadline)

August 7th, 2024: Reviews sent to authors (Acceptance/Rejection/Conditional Acceptance)
August 18th, 2024: Revision submission deadline
August 25th, 2024: Final acceptance notification
September 1st, 2024: Camera-ready due 
September 5th, 2024: Camera-ready due 

SIBGRAPI 2024 Program Chairs

Jurandy Almeida (UFSCAR, Brazil)
Carla Dal Sasso Freitas (UFRGS, Brazil)
Nicu Sebe (University of Trento, Italy)
Alex Telea (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the program chairs.q

Sibgrapi 2024 Main Track Chairs

Jurandy Almeida

Carla Dal Sasso Freitas

Nicu Sebe

Alex Telea

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