Workshop of Industry Applications (WIA)

July 8, 2024: Submission deadline
July 26, 2024: Notification of acceptance 
August 26, 2021: Camera ready

Call for the Workshop of Undergraduate Works

The Workshop of Industry Applications (WIA) invites submissions focusing on graphics, patterns, and images for solving industrial problems. We welcome innovative applications utilizing state-of-the-art methods and techniques in interactive graphics, image processing, computer vision, visualization, virtual reality, and other imaging modalities. Accepted papers will be published in the WIA proceedings (electronic format) and presented orally or as demos. Additionally, we encourage authors whose papers are rejected from the main track to resubmit if their work is relevant to industrial applications.

Submissions Instructions

The paper should be 6 to 8 pages long, including all figures and references. All papers will be double-blind and reviewed by two experts.

All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must comply with the SIBGRAPI formatting guidelines defined in the Main Track with the following adjustments: 1) The paper must be submitted in English. 2) The submission system for WIA is at CMT: 3) Accepting a work implies that at least one of its authors will register for the conference and present it.


All accepted papers will be assigned a DOI and will be available at the SBC Open Lib (Sol), which is the Digital Library of Brazilian Computer Society.

No-Show and No-Registration Policy

Please see our “No-Show and No-Registration Policy” on our registration page.


Paulo L. J. Drews-Jr (FURG)
José L. S. Pio (UFAM)


Sibgrapi 2024 Chairs

Paulo Lilles Jorge Drews Junior

José Luiz de Souza Pio

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